Traumatic would be the appropriate adjective for his birth, which also happened a month early. Since then we've been slowly putting the pieces of his puzzle together which is finally starting to shape into a whole picture. He didn't learn how to eat so he spent 6 months in feeding therapy with a speech therapist to learn how to chew. He also has some sensory issues which can make for some amusing moments. I won't lie though, it can also make for some frustrating moments.
Probably the most important treatment he's getting right now is speech. Little man has a (rare) true case of childhood apraxia of speech. His expressive speech is significantly delayed although his receptive is where it should be. He's learned a lot of sign language and is making huge strides each day. When he turned 3 he had literally a handful of words in his speaking vocabulary and very few of them were recognizable to an "outsider." Fast forward a year later and he's speaking sentences and talks about everything. Most of what he says while not perfect is at least recognizable. Especially if you know the context.
He's in a special preschool class this fall and is loving the heck out of it. We are so excited to see how much he's going to grow this coming year.
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