Thursday, November 1, 2007


Meet our sassy niece, Diva. She's one of our 3 beautiful nieces. (No nephews). She also happens to be Little Man's best friend. She is 14 months older than Little Man, which means she turned 5 in August. Most of the time they act more like brother & sister than cousins.

Spitfire is a great word to describe Diva. is Diva, lol. She's great though. She's stubborn and head strong but she's also very intelligent. She is incredibly articulate. She has a never ending imagination and there is no shortage of "OMG, Did you hear what she said?" when she's around.

She is starting Kindergarten this Fall (in a G&T program) which I know is going to bring some great humor to us. Bless this child's teacher. Bless EVERY Kindergarten teacher, lol.

You'll have to excuse the hair in her face in this one...she was playing really hard at the bounce place for her birthday.

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