Thursday, November 1, 2007

New Baby....

It's official....Little Man is going to be a big brother!!

While a few of you knew, I wasn't willing to shout it from the rooftops until I'd had my first appointment.

I had that first appointment today, along with an ultrasound to get an accurate due date. (June 14) That's VERY important in light of Little Man's early arrival. Since I've delivered preterm once, it puts me at a higher risk of it happening again.

I love, love, love, LOVE my doctor!!!! Hubby & Little Man like her too!

While the due date is June 14, I'd look for an arrival about 2 weeks before that unless he/she decides to make an early appearance. And I'm hoping not because with Little Man, my first stage of labor was only 4 hours and I live almost an hour away from the hospital!!!!!

It was really nice to see the baby bean today and hear the heartbeat. Very reassuring to us both.

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