Monday, October 22, 2007

Just Cute

Okay, so we're both partial...after all, he is OUR child. :)

Yesterday we let Little Man loose with his new easel and some chalk (a bday gift from his Uncle & Aunt in VA). He had a blast. By today, his favorite part seems to be erasing the writing which is hilarious. He's the same way with the magna doodle, btw. He wants you to write on it so he can erase it, haha!!!!!

He also still appears to be completely ambidextrous with his writing. It all depends on his mood but he also loves to be writing/coloring/etc with both hands simultaneously.

Later that night we took him out to the driveway and put him on his brand new tricycle that he received as a birthday gift. He loved it and we were both impressed at how quickly he seemed to catch on with regard to the peddals. He can barely reach them without shoes on but he tries. These are just precious to us :)

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