Sunday, October 21, 2007


Unless you've been living under a rock you've probably at least heard the term MRSA at least once or twice lately. It's the potentially deadly bug that has been making people fall ill left & right over the past few weeks. (At least it's been in the news for that long anyway).

Please take a moment and say a quick prayer for my mom who is in a Dallas area hospital with MRSA.

Her bday is in a few days and for her bday she was going to Dallas and was going to go to the Cowboys game today. But something wasn't right and this little red spot had suddenly gotten huge so she went to the ER.

The doctor made a 2 inch incision told her he was all but certain it was MRSA but they weren't going to grow the cultures b/c that would mean lots of paperwork in reporting it. (Oh that makes my blood boil, btw). They gave her a lot of oral antibiotics, drew a circle around the red spot and told her that if it got outside the line, she needed to come back ASAP for IV antibiotics.

So early Sat afternoon, that's exactly what she did. She was admitted and they began the really strong stuff through the IV's.

We were all in hopes that we would see the red starting to retreat this morning and although she was feeling better, it wasn't retreating even though it wasn't still growing either.

Fast forward to this's still growing on at least two sides of her 'circle'. They are going to be taking her into surgery soon so that they can open up the area and try to make sure as much of it is removed as possible. I do hope that by tomorrow morning I can say that it's finally retreating and she's actually getting better. If not, I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with myself. I think I can honestly say it's torture for all of us, just sitting around waiting to find out if it's going to respond to the antibiotics.

This surgeon did finally take cultures yesterday so that they can grow it and actually confirm their suspicions of MRSA for a fact, but they all expect it will come back as that.

As for the school, I don't know what they are going to do. (she's a middle school nurse) She is going to call the principal at his home and let him know so that appopriate action can be taken. I think what's scary is that there is probably a student out there that has this and either doesn't know it or it wasn't reported, just like they tried to do with my mom.

So keep her in your prayers and I'll keep you posted.


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