Saturday, April 25, 2009

Peanut's Birthday!!!

I cannot believe he's already 1. It doesn't feel like a year yet. That might be because he's been home with us for 11 months, lol.

April 25, 2008:

April 28, 2008:

April 25, 2009 (Waiting for cake!)

The Cake!!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Easter Pictures!!!!!

Better late than never, right?

Oh the cuteness!!

He's so excited! Getting ready to color eggs!!! (Yes, he's still obsessed with eggs.)

Like father, like son? Yep. :) (Except that he was upset because he broke an egg.)

He didn't think it was too cool that he got the dye on his finger.

There's the broken egg!

So Sad!

Once he discovered the (paper) grass...nothing else mattered!

He liked the real grass too. :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Quiet Moment

It's almost bedtime here so 'a quiet moment' is not exactly what I have. It's more like what I long for. I realize I haven't been posting much lately & I'd like to say I'll see that changing soon, but I'm just not so sure of that. Things are absolutely chaotic here. I have appointments as do Little Man & Peanut. Things are going to get crazier before they calm down at the end of July. Then in mid to late Aug it's going to be sheer chaos again.

I find myself saying, "when things get back to normal" more often than I should. I think it's time to come to terms with the fact that our life is crazy & crazy busy! In light of that I've been trying to get things cleaned up & better organized around here. That's where my "spare" moments are going. We've been trying to get rid of the things we don't use & make better use of the things we do. Tuesday is going to see a ton of garbage at the street as did Friday.

This week we only have 6 or 7 appointments. (Last week it was 8 or 9). Then this Saturday (25th) is Peanut's first birthday & his party!! I'm SOOOO excited for that. Time really flies!

I'm really bummed because a very close friend had her 30th birthday party last night and we weren't able to go. Between lack of a sitter & 14 or so inches of rain, it just didn't work out. That would have been a really nice time.

Hopefully tonight or tomorrow I can finally get those Easter pics up!

Monday, April 6, 2009

FINALLY! The Bluebonnet pictures!

Okay folks, I've been extra tired lately. More on that in another post. Anyhow I have FINALLY gone through the pictures, edited most of them and here are some of the highlights. Warning, it's pic heavy!! It was SO bright outside that it was really hard to get good pictures. That & the fact that toddlers would rather play than sit for pictures anyway, lol.

She was smelling the flowers, so he had to as well. ;)

He was ready to take off. He really liked the flowers & was fascinated by everything. So no, it's not a 'good' shot but with a baby that won't sit still, I'll take what I can get.

We couldn't get Little Man to look up from his flower, but thankfully my sister did manage to click when he finally did for that nano-second. (I still need to crop this one)

Little Man really struggles to hold that wiggling baby there, lol.

I totally screwed up on sizing this picture & am too lazy right now to go back & fix it. But you can see we named her Diva for a reason, hahaha!!

Ugh, I thought I uploaded the on with that leg cropped OUT of the picture. You get the idea, lol.

First he wanted a hug and Diva didn't approve.

When she finally wanted one, he thought it was more fun to make her chase him. LOL.

And there you have it. Bluebonnets & the kiddos!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Not a Happy Camper!

Yesterday morning after looking at the preschool that Little Man is going to go to in the fall, we headed out for the nearly 4 hour trek to Garner State Park. The plan was to spend a relaxing weekend in preparation for the next 5 weekends, which will not be so relaxing because we have so many plans for them.

On the way there, it became incredibly obvious that little man was experiencing an allergic reaction to the antibiotic he was nearly done with taking. OMG...that's it's own story but here are the pictures that just don't do it any justice.

We finally make it to Garner, between phone calls with the nurse & stopping for much needed things. After the 3rd attempt to pick a site, we finally decide on one and set up camp. It really wasn't THAT busy Fri night & of course the park is massive. There is nobody in the 10+ sites near us. As I laid there pondering how in the world we were going to stay warm that night, I hear Hubby say, "Look who's moving into the neighborhood." I look and think to myself, 'OMG' but instead say, "It might not be so bad."

Unfortunately these people fit every single stereotype you could think of. It was AWFUL. And they weren't drunk yet!!! They had clearly picked those spots due to the close proximity of the restrooms since there were so many children with them. Oh yes...and several of the ladies were pregnant, lol. Once they crank up the music I hear him say, "Oh Hell No!" And the rest is history.

We also had a little issue with the tent. The canpoy that is supposed to go over it is missing and neither of us realized it. That meant that even though we'd taken a heater with us, that warm air was going to go out as fast as it was coming out of the heater.
With all of these issues going on, we decided it was time to go. We packed up and got home about 1:30 this morning.

We're headed out now to a park closer to the house. Maybe this time I'll have good and "fun" pictures to share. :)