Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Quiet Moment

It's almost bedtime here so 'a quiet moment' is not exactly what I have. It's more like what I long for. I realize I haven't been posting much lately & I'd like to say I'll see that changing soon, but I'm just not so sure of that. Things are absolutely chaotic here. I have appointments as do Little Man & Peanut. Things are going to get crazier before they calm down at the end of July. Then in mid to late Aug it's going to be sheer chaos again.

I find myself saying, "when things get back to normal" more often than I should. I think it's time to come to terms with the fact that our life is crazy & crazy busy! In light of that I've been trying to get things cleaned up & better organized around here. That's where my "spare" moments are going. We've been trying to get rid of the things we don't use & make better use of the things we do. Tuesday is going to see a ton of garbage at the street as did Friday.

This week we only have 6 or 7 appointments. (Last week it was 8 or 9). Then this Saturday (25th) is Peanut's first birthday & his party!! I'm SOOOO excited for that. Time really flies!

I'm really bummed because a very close friend had her 30th birthday party last night and we weren't able to go. Between lack of a sitter & 14 or so inches of rain, it just didn't work out. That would have been a really nice time.

Hopefully tonight or tomorrow I can finally get those Easter pics up!

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