Monday, April 6, 2009

FINALLY! The Bluebonnet pictures!

Okay folks, I've been extra tired lately. More on that in another post. Anyhow I have FINALLY gone through the pictures, edited most of them and here are some of the highlights. Warning, it's pic heavy!! It was SO bright outside that it was really hard to get good pictures. That & the fact that toddlers would rather play than sit for pictures anyway, lol.

She was smelling the flowers, so he had to as well. ;)

He was ready to take off. He really liked the flowers & was fascinated by everything. So no, it's not a 'good' shot but with a baby that won't sit still, I'll take what I can get.

We couldn't get Little Man to look up from his flower, but thankfully my sister did manage to click when he finally did for that nano-second. (I still need to crop this one)

Little Man really struggles to hold that wiggling baby there, lol.

I totally screwed up on sizing this picture & am too lazy right now to go back & fix it. But you can see we named her Diva for a reason, hahaha!!

Ugh, I thought I uploaded the on with that leg cropped OUT of the picture. You get the idea, lol.

First he wanted a hug and Diva didn't approve.

When she finally wanted one, he thought it was more fun to make her chase him. LOL.

And there you have it. Bluebonnets & the kiddos!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful family!! 2 Cute.