Little Man got his first report card today. Ready for me to brag?
Seriously though, he's doing great!!!!! Teacher's comment sums it up perfectly, "Little Man (No...she didn't really call him that) is doing fine! As we knew his weakness is fine motor and speech."
The only two areas he needs improvement on are 'Speaks in complete sentences' and 'able to draw with pencil/crayon' That first one is a DUH thing. He's doing SO well but DUH on the speech. That whole pesky drawing thing is fine motor and he has struggled with fine motor for a long time.
He knows all of the colors, Numbers, shapes, body parts & upper/lower case letters that are listed as needing to know. He probably knew all of those before the school year started though, so no real surprise but it does make me happy.
One of the biggest reasons it makes me happy is because one of our biggest concerns was making sure OTHERS (like the teacher) could figure out what he does & doesn't know. So apparently that is going well.
The other concern we had was how would Little Man do socially? First of all he is the YOUNGEST in the classroom. He is in a 4yo classroom and he missed the cut off to be in the 4yo classroom by a month (even though that's where they placed him). The other disadvantage he has is that every other child in his class (there's only 8 total kids) are in daycare. That is a setting in which Little Man has never been.
However, he's doing great socially. I have no doubt that you could probably tell he's the youngest but he's doing well. Everything from following the classroom rules to controls talking to raises hand and participates appropriately (etc) got an S (Satisfactory which is the best it could be).