Saturday, November 14, 2009

So much to say...

& yet I can't say a thing. It's driving me NUTS.

I am SO angry about the situation with Hubby's company right now. I always knew when we moved from here it'd be a big move but I always thought it would be on our terms. That WE would decide it was time to move on. I hate feeling forced into this situation.

I HATE that there is no accountability.

It does appear as though the contract that keeps Hubby's facility open is going to be given to 'that other company' after all. SEVENTEEN years of making this type of thing for the military and the contract is gone in a flash with NO accountability.

Anyone with half a brain can look at the facts and walk away asking "whose pockets were lined by this decision?" Nobody will ever know because the names of those involved in the decision will be kept secret. So much for transparency.

I could go on but won't.

I'm just frustrated.

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