Sunday, November 29, 2009

Complete Chaos

Things have been totally insane around here lately with no shortage of drama and stress. Thanks to all of these crazy/ridiculous things going on I'm finding it really tough to get into the holiday spirit. That's unusual for me because this is my favorite time of year.

Probably the worst of all of these events going on is having $1200 stolen right out of our checking account. Someone, somewhere stole Hubby's card number, made a card & went on a shopping spree.

He had to file a police report, we had to take that info to the bank (like an hour & a half drive from here) & fill out all of their paperwork. We actually got our money back pretty quickly but it was still such a PIA. It was also a huge violation made worse by the fact that it wasn't like Hubby lost his card or something.

So that's why I'm MIA these days. Just been really busy.

I have to say we really figured our little police department wouldn't even bother investigating the case but they are. One of the officers came to the house today to get some more information. They have the video tape from one of these dudes shopping adventures and they have 2 other stores left to get tapes from. That would be AWESOME if they actually caught these jerks!

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