Wednesday, December 16, 2009


This Christmas is going to be filled with lots of great things. For the first time Little Man grasps the concept (that we know of) of Santa and he's SO excited about it. When you ask him if Santa is at the North Pole, he says, "No he's at the store." LOL. Peanut is going to enjoy going into destruction mode and ripping open gifts. We don't call him destruct-o baby for nothin'!

There are also going to be some truly sad moments. Well it's the lack of moments that will be sad. I think sad is the appropriate adjective anyway. I've been working diligently on a project for someone special that may never see it and that SUCKS. Unfortunately my children (really just Little Man) don't understand it and I hate the toll it takes on them.

But mostly this holiday is going to be filled with lots of great times and we'll have lots of memories to create. I'm so excited to see the boys faces on Christmas morning!

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