Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sodium & Hearing Loss?

Hubby's ear has been bothering him for a while. He was finally able to see an ENT last week who explained to him that he basically has Meniere's Disease. Nothing too horrible. As the doc said, "It's a $5 disease with a $10 name." The gist of the conversation? If you want your hearing back you're going to have to go on a very low sodium diet and keep it that way.


What a shock! Sodium & hearing loss? Seriously?

Apparently So.

And so the journey begins. A low sodium diet.

Do you have ANY idea how hard this really is? Seriously. Go take a peek in your pantry and you'll DIE when you realize how much sodium is in all this processed food, especially in relation to what we should be consuming. The removal of salt from cooking and at the table doesn't go far enough to get someone onto a low sodium diet. You know what that means? I get to learn to cook from scratch. I don't mean partly from scratch, I mean TOTALLY from scratch.

My first meal, from scratch? Spaghetti. We can use store bought noodles but can't go near the spaghetti sauces in a jar or can. I started with 15 Roma tomatoes and it really was pretty good.

I have lost 7 pounds since we started this on Sunday. Hubby has lost at least 6. We are consuming more fresh fruits & veggies than ever before and we're not over eating.

We're planning on purchasing a salt-free salt flavored replacement this weekend. Hopefully that will at least put some flavor back in our food, lol. So far, so good. But truly crazy.

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