Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bottle Feeding: Take 1

Today was eventful. I got to spend a lot of time with him. I also got to spend some time during one of his feedings skin on skin. Apparently the technical term is "Kangaroo Care". This is so that he will begin to associate his full tummy with me and my smell, etc. It's also just a great way to bond - to keep him warm.

They attempted his first bottle feed today and that didn't go very well. He doesn't have the suck/swallow reflex yet and so he had a little more than he knew what to do with. After that he remained tight lipped and didn't let the nipple back in, lol.

They've also upped his feedings to 30cc's. The first time they fed him that much he didn't do to well with it and had a lot left over. However, the 2nd time the amount left in his stomach afterwards was just about half and that is definitely good news.

They are hoping in the next day or two they will be able to remove his IV which is there now just to provide nutrition. As they increase the feedings into his stomach they are able to lower the amount of IV nutrition he needs/gets.

A few other pictures from today:

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