Monday, April 28, 2008

New Baby Recap

It's been a really long time since the last post.

I realize many of our family and friends are curious (& concerned) about what's going on so this is where I'm going to put all of that info. That way the info will be accurate when you get it. It's just the nature of the grapevine to get at least something wrong after about the 3rd relay.

First a recap of how we got here & then the next post will be baby info!!

In Feb it was found that I have an incompetent cervix and I was put on bed rest. Things have been going well and after the first week of bed rest there had basically been no change in the cervix so we (Me & Hubby at least) assumed all was well.

In fact, on Fri, April 18 I had my weekly visit and ultrasound and it was still status quo.

Then on Monday, April 21 I wasn't feeling so well. I was a little crampy but didn't think it was a big deal. I eventually called the doctor's office because it was persistant, it didn't matter what position I was in it just wasn't going away. I also knew I'd rather be safe than sorry.

After about 45 minutes in triage the nurse finally checked me and was dumbfounded to find that I was already dilated "4 to 5". In literally a matter of minutes I was out of triage, in a labor & delivery room and had 3 nurses working on me. Just a couple of minutes later the doctor was there and checking me and giving the orders on what to give me to try to make labor stop.

I was only 32w 2d (a normal pregnancy is 38-40 weeks) and when the triage nurse told me how far along I was, I just started crying. "It's just too early, this can't be happening."

I'll spare you the details of the unpleasantries that come along with halting labor but the good news is that they were able to postpone delivery for a few days which gave us the opportunity to get the 2 rounds of steroid shots into his lungs. In fact, I was discharged for less than 24 hours due to an error.

Friday morning I woke up and realized I was having contractions. They gave me my scheduled pill for keeping contractions at bay and I realized that wasn't working either. I informed the nurse that they were really starting to hurt and I'd had a bit of show. It just so happened the doctor was there and came to check me.

After checking, she informed me I was already 7 to 8 cm and asked, "Where's dad?" Let me tell ya what, things happened REALLY fast after that!

Since there was no more keeping labor away Hubby headed to the hospital and baby was delivered at 8:57 am.

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