Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Good Day

Great news for today. Peanut is back up to 5lbs 3ozs and he's tolerating his feedings well. This means that the medication for the reflux is working and he's not having much of anything left in his stomach after he eats. They have now upped his feeding amount to 20cc's (it was 5 at first). They are also going to switch the reflux medication from IV to straight into his tummy.

I (mom) was extremely excited today because I got to hold him for a feeding. I actually got to hold him twice today which made me very happy.

His bilirubin has gone down so he's no longer under the bililights and as long as it stays down we'll call that one issue down. He's having fewer brady epidsodes and the last 2 that he had he recovered from completely on his own.

Hopefully he'll continue to do so well so that he can come home soon. (Although we're not sure when they are going to attempt bottle feeding and that is an obvious "must" first.

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