Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween 2008

Another successful Halloween. Although I'm not going to lie, I wasn't so sure it would be.

We started off the day by heading to town to find a costume for Little Man and some sort of onesie for Peanut. My hope was that I'd find some good deals since I'd waited until the last minute. We really did find a couple of great deals. We got a Thomas the Tank costume for 30% off and I only paid a whopping 99 cents for Peanut's "First Halloween" onesie. I had trouble finding something for Peanut and I really started to feel guilty. We did all of that nonsense for Little Man so we couldn't NOT do it for Peanut. Thankfully Toys R Us was stocked and clearanced. :)

My sister and Diva came out and we took the kiddos to a local church for their fall festival. The kids had a blast and then we took them trick-or-treating. They had a lot of fun with that too. Little Man was having a LOT of fun telling people "trick or treat" and "bye-bye" in his oh so cute butchered speech.

Here are Little Man & Diva in their costumes. He's Thomas & she is a Punk Pirate. His costume was WAY too big but that's okay, he can dress up in it for the next year, lol. They were both adorable though. Sorry the background is so cluttered, we meant to take more pics of the kids once we went outside but they were ready to get in the car and go, lol. Perhaps I'll get some time and remove that background for a less busy one. ;)

Peanut & his "My 1st Halloween" onesie. Awwwww.....

This may be my very favorite picture of the two of them together...EVER. How sweet is that?

(I promise, the car wasn't moving when these pictures of these unbuckled cuties was taken.)

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