Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Our Crazy Life

I don't dare ask, "what next?" I'm sure I'll find out whether I ask or not anyway, lol.

Seriously though, it's been a long time since my last post and things have been downright crazy.

The short version: Inlaws came to town for Little Man's birthday and we went to Sea World in San Antonio. SO MUCH FUN! While gone, I got sick. Inlaws went home, I went to the emergency room only to find out I was much sicker than I realized. I spent 5 days in the hospital, missed Little Man's birthday party and the county fair. He had a great time though. Instead of having a 'real' party he went to the county fair with Diva. They had a ton of fun.

Got out of the hospital on a Mon and the next day Little Man had the MRI on his head (brain). Then Friday we left Peanut with my sister and took Little Man to meet Thomas the Tank. (3 hours one way so we spent the night.) Again, SO MUCH FUN!

So for the last few days I've been TRYING to take it easy. I have a kidney stone and a stint, what a royal PITA. Saw the doc today; going to have another CT scan done next week to make sure the stone is still there and we'll go from there. Hopefully in the next week or 2 this will all be over!

Pictures are uploaded already to the online photo album. Only have 2 that I've uploaded to share here today since time is limited.

Little Man with Thomas the Tank (he also met Sir Topphamhat)

Peanut was glad to see us, hehe :)

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