Thursday, October 30, 2008


Things are still crazy in our house. The ridiculously cold temps we had earlier this week are gone. Thank goodness. I used to say I hated the heat. Now I hate the cold. Visiting the cold and snow are fine but I have no desire to mess with it on a regular basis. I prefer a swimming pool when it's 100 degrees outside! I have arthritis and the cold just makes everything hurt.

Little Man is doing well. He's now had another speech therapist tell us he's showing some clear apraxic tendencies. It's interesting to us because we realize that no matter how often or correctly you model a word it doesn't matter to him. It does make me feel less guilty that he's not in some sort of structured social setting with people his age though. A year ago we figured it would help his speech. If he's got apraxia that isn't going to matter and that's what our observation has been. We used to figure that if he heard enough little people say 'daddy' instead of his word 'gaga' then perhaps he'd use 'daddy.' Now we realize it's not going to matter, he just doesn't see how 'gaga' isn't the same word.

I say another speech therapist because he is currently receiving speech therapy from 2 places. One is private and the other is through the school. I really like both therapists and I see that each of them have something to offer to Little Man so I see no need to change it.

Peanut is doing okay. We are trying like mad to transition him from sleeping in his swing to his crib. This means a lot of sleep deprivation and aggravation. He's just getting too big for the swing very quickly. This too shall pass.

Tomorrow is Halloween and I have no idea what the boys will be. How sad is that? For one I haven't had time even though I've browsed a bit. And for another thing, I just flat out don't like Halloween. I have no idea what the point of it is, but it's just not my kind of holiday. That creates a lack of motivation. The good news is that my sister and Diva are coming out here and that will be a ton of fun. These 2 kids ALWAYS have a blast together!

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