Friday, December 19, 2008

I heart HEB (formula)

I really don't like HEB. In Houston they aren't as over priced because they have competition but in many areas of this great state HEB has effectively put its competition out of business. I go there for those 'can't beat em' deals only. Their formula is one of those deals for me.

I know I've written about this before but tonight I scored big. Peanut will be 8 mo old on Christmas Day and as long as he can transition to whole milk at 12 months we might not have to buy any more formula.

I started off the night with two $5 Enfamil Formula checks and 3 coupons for Free cans of HEB brand formula. Each formula check triggers another Q for Free formula and each Free Q triggers a Q for $10 off a big can of HEB formula. I realized these coupons would all expire before I would be able to use them if I didn't just use them all tonight. Thankfully management was very patient with me, I didn't empty the shelves and I did many transactions to make sure I didn't hold up any lines.

So here is the tally: 5 cans of big formula (each big can is equivalent to 2 small cans) and 7 small cans for $32.51 OOP.

Before coupons the cost would have been $132.46. That's a savings of $99.95!!!!!

That 12 cans is equivalent of 17 cans (remember the big cans are equal to 2 small cans) which means a net cost of just under $2 per can. NOT BAD!

We now have the equivalent of 34 cans on hand plus a few cans of ready to feed formula.

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