Saturday, December 6, 2008


One of our beautiful nieces turned 4 yesterday and she had her party at a jump place in the evening. So much fun. So much drama for Little Man. Apparently it's going to be tradition that he find a way to get hurt at her birthday parties.

Last year he was riding the little tikes roller coaster down the driveway and eventually (after about 100 trips down) he went over the front of it and flipped it over himself. Few cuts and scrapes, nothing major.

Last night little man was very much enjoying the bouncing and only about half way into the session he was at the bottom of the slide when a little girl went down backwards and hit Little Man in his mouth with the back of her head and the blood started gushing. Oh he cried and cried and cried. For those of you that don't know him very well, when he cries about pain, it's FOR REAL, lol. He's a tough little booger.

I felt so bad for him and just sat on the floor and held him. He didn't wany anyone else, not even his daddy. I'm not going to lie, that kinda made me feel good, lol. I don't know what I'm going to do when my magical mommy healing powers vanish.

At this point Hubby is saying, "let's just go." My thinking is, "I want him back on the equipment so he isn't scared of inflatable jump stuff for the next 5 years."

I took him out into the hallway and he got upset and started pointing back into the bounce room. I told him if he wants to stay he has to quit crying so daddy knows he wants to be there. I asked him several times if he wanted to go back in and he said yes every single time.

As I walk in the door Little Man immediately insists that we go in the obstacle course bouncer. Oh joy. One problem, he doesn't want me to let him go of him! That was fine until we got to the tall steep wall that has the slide exit on the other side. That was absolutely impossible for me to do with him on me. OMG!

After much coaxing (he's crying the whole time but insisting I don't go back out either) I got him to agree to let one of the bigger girls help him up the rest of the slide and I would follow.

Out he went and the phobia was basically over and I was exhuasted!!

I wasn't able to get pictures last night, that just would have been cruel. He just wanted to be held and loved. He was also asleep by the time we got home. This morning I asked him if he had any bo-bo's. (That's his own word for them.) He pointed to a small burn on his elbow but insisted his mouth didn't hurt. That was until he went to eat a donut for breakfast and he told me then that he did in fact have a bo-bo in his mouth.

And here it is:

It looks SO much worse in person. One tooth looks pushed back a little which is hard to see and of course it's all swollen right there. I think it's going to be a couple of days before he's eating real hard foods. He doesn't get the concept of bite with the back teeth first.

BTW: I'm being nice. I cropped this picture even closer in on the mouth and decided it was just far too gross to share. This picture (that still doesn't do the icky factor justice) will work just fine.

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