Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas 2009

We're in the middle of transitioning from the old computer to a new one, so for the moment I don't have pictures handy to post but Christmas was great. The boys had fun and Peanut didn't give a hoot about unwrapping gifts. Not at all.

The morning after Christmas we set off on a road trip, to Washington, DC to visit Hubby's family. Every time we make that drive we swear it off. And then we do it again! Since it was Munchkin's first road trip we spent the night on the way up there instead of driving it straight through.

Let me tell you what, it was ridiculously cold while we were there. And the morning we left, the roads were downright awful. Reminded us of living in Michigan. Reminded us that we aren't exactly fans of the cold.

In spite of the cold we had a good time.

Pictures to come.

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