Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Enjoying his talking

Back before Little Man really started talking, people used to constantly tell me some variation of, "it'll come & when it does you'll be dying for him to stop." Nothing could be further from the truth to be honest. In fact, that scenario got so bad I was ready to punch the next person that said that to us.

We weren't momma and dadda until closer to his third birthday. And even then, Hubby had to wait another year to actually be dad. He was, 'gaggy' & now he's 'dadda'.

So now that he's FOUR we're finally getting to enjoy the 'crazy things kids say'. The way they take things so literal and that kind of thing.

This kid is a hoot and it's so great to finally be able to understand more of what he's saying. I'd say we figure out about 85% of the things he's telling us. If it's in context that percentage is much higher.

We still do a lot of Q&A to get to the bottom of things but I just LOVE when he gets in the car and tells me, "Momma we went outside and played on the new playground" and I can actually understand what he's saying.

I love when I tell Peanut not to do something or to stop doing something, Little Man pipes up with, "I did not do it."

I know these moments aren't going to last long so we'll cherish them.

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