Thursday, January 21, 2010


We all know how important routines are. Kids need to have an idea of what to expect and it helps them function better. Right?

We have our routines around here, that's for sure. One of them is our daily ritual as we wait for the bus to come pick Little Man up for school.

Today I was trying to take some pictures of the two older ones. Little Man isn't always too cooperative.

But then I practically begged for just one smile & I got it!

Peanut just LOVES to say "CHEEEEEEEESE" and smile for me.

Then Peanut decided to start practicing his newest trick, climbing on any tables that he can find.

Then he was curious about my camera.

They looked for the bus some more...

And after Little Man leaves, Peanut watches & waves...

Yes. Routines are important.

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