Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Long Day!

Little Man's appointments in Houston have switched from Mondays & Tuesdays to only on Tuesdays. Long story short, we're hoping it's going to stretch out his allowable visits by doing it this way.

I had minimal time to get errands taken care of so I went by Target to see if toys (or anything else) had been marked down on clearance any further. No such luck but they did have the file folders back on the dollar wall I've been looking for. For a buck I can keep all of the medical related receipts, etc in one spot.

Then I went to CVS. I was only planning on getting a few things to attempt to roll my ECBs but when I scanned my card it printed a $10/$50 and since I had nearly $30 worth of ECBs that were expiring today I figured I just needed to use it. Put together more thoughtfully I could have made it stretch further and had a MUCH lower OOP. This is one of my highest OOPs there since figuring out how to play the game. Oh well. No picture but here's what I got:

2 Duracell size C 2packs. $2.99 ea
1 Duracell battery for a remote $4.19
2 Excedrin Back & Body $1.99 ($2 MQ) ea
2 Excedrin Extra Strength $1.99 ($1 MQ) ea
2 CVS Allergy stuff (like Claritin) $3.79 ea
1 Magazine for Hubby $5.99
2 Neutrogena Face Pads $8.49 ea
1 box Soy Joy Bars (ewww) $6

Total before Coupons & tax: $54.86
Total OOP: $9.43 (I used the $10 off of $50 & $29.25 in ECBs)
Total ECBs for today's purchases: $18.58

Another box of Soy Joy instead of the magazine would have been better. Only a penny more but would have had another $6 in ECBs. That's okay though, he deserves it once in a while, lol.

Total Saved: $45.43 If you include the savings of buying on sale the savings is increased to $62.94. That would be the total reflected in my savings tally since that's how it's printed on the receipt.

On the way home we stopped by Kroger to pick up a couple of things on the last day of the sale. Thanks to ZM over at Katy Couponers I found out the Act II Popcorn was only $.20 a box with coupons.

In the end I had:
3 boxes Act II popcorn $1 ($.40 MQ Dbl)
3 Horizon Organic Milk Singles $1 ($.25 MQ Trpl)
2 Deli Sandwiches $3.49 (7th one is free and one of these was the 7th one)
Smoothie $.89
Diet DP $1.39 (Free Item MQ)
Coke Zero $1.39
Kroger Brand Crackers $1.67
Bottle of Water $.50
Fried Chicken from the Deli $3.49 (was $5.99 but on Mgr Special & I knew I wasn't going to want to cook tonight!!)
Organic Baby Carrots $1

Total Before coupons & discounts: $30.07
Total OOP: $14.13

I'll take it.

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