Monday, January 26, 2009

The Randall's Trip

That Randall's trip on Sat...this is what I ended up with. I had to do this over 5 transactions since their policy is to only dbl/trpl one like coupon in a transaction. I had 5 Chef Boyardee Coupons to use. What a royal pain! But we had a system. I did the "shopping" while my mom (since DH refused to be of any help) went through the line one transaction at a time. We then tied the bag shut with the receipt inside and put it on the bottom of the basket and she'd take another one up to the front. Doing it this way we weren't holding up any lines.

I live VERY far away from civilization and I don't have the option to just run up to the store, I have to plan and if that means multiple transactions then that's what I have to do.

At the end of everything here is what I had:

15 Cans Chef Boyardee
6 McCormick Taco Seasoning
6 cans Hunt's Tomatoes
5 boxes Granola Bars
4 boxes Rice Krispies
4 bags Marshmallows
4 Rosarita Refried Beans
2 Progresso Soup Bowls
1 box Fruit Loops
1 box Honey Nut Cheerios
1 Duncan Hines Cake Mix

Total OOP: $28.83
Saved: $69.16. (according to the receipts which does include the difference of sale prices)

The OOP would have been lower but DH insisted that I buy the cheerios & cake mix.

I did really well over at Kroger that afternoon as well, with the Mega Deal.

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