Thursday, January 8, 2009

St Louis - Part I

Obviously we've been back almost a week and I am just now getting this together. I've been sick and now both of the boys are sick as well so energy isn't exactly what I'd call plentiful right now.

To get back in the groove, let's start with pictures from the St Louis Science Center. That place was SO COOL! Free unless you indulge in the concessions or shows and the place has so much to do! The kids had a blast. We really should have spent more time there but I know we'll be back.

You have to take the skywalk across the interstate to get to the bulk of the place and this is the view. There are radar guns so you can see how fast the cars are going but as is apparent from the people chasing their dog in the middle of the freeway, it was closed for construction.

More Random Pics from the Science Center

They have an arch there that you build, which is really cool. Just a few shots of 'construction.'

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