Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Peanut's First Food

I can't believe Peanut is going to be 5 months old tomorrow. It just doesn't seem like he's been here that long. Of course he's only been home for 4 so that my have something to do with it. Peanut's 4 month visit the doctor encouraged me to try feeding Peanut Rice Cereal from a spoon. I for one, do not see the purpose of the all starch empty filler crap known as Rice Cereal. Plus, Peanut already gets more than enough of it in his bottles since he doesn't keep anything down. So I figured I'd wait a little while and skip straight to the first food.

One of my concerns about this is that he is nowhere near sitting up on his own which meant the high chair really isn't much of an option. So per her suggestion, we just put him in his carrier instead. I eventually moved him into the high chair because of his fidgeting in the carrier and he did okay. He struggled to stay upright and probably, no DEFINITELY, burned more calories to stay upright than he got in that baby food, lol. He really didn't get much down his throat since his thrust reflex is still so strong but by the end he was at least figuring out he had to open his mouth to get any. I think he sucked more of it off his hands and fingers than he did off the spoon.

Of course immediately after this experience it was bath time. And in true Peanut fashion shortly after I finished bathing, dressing and lathering him in lotion, what little sweet potatoes he'd eaten came up. Gotta love this kid.

Not to be outdone, Little Man had to go and do something cute/funny tonight. He found his daddy's boots sitting around and took 'em for a stroll. He wouldn't look up at me while he was walking though because he knew he'd fall over, lol.

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