Sunday, February 1, 2009

His New Bike

It's time to retire the tricycle. Little Man is finally big/tall enough that it's become dangerous from the toppling standpoint. So today he got his very first bike! We put him on a 12" bike and it was just too small. He could have ridden it but in 6 months time he'd of been too big again so we went with a 14".

He's not terribly fond of the bike because we actually expect him to pedal. He's been working hard on that skill in physical therapy but the bike is so much different than the tricycle. With his trike the pedals would move whether he did or not so long as you were pushing it. Of course that isn't so on a bike. He likes it but he just honestly has so much trouble with the peddaling. New task for the PT on Tuesday. :)

Of course there are always pictures!

Can you believe we were able to escape the store without the Thomas the Tank bicycle? LOL.

1 comment:

Jamie Tamez said...

How cute! He looks so excited and happy!