Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Totally Frustrated

ARGH! I am so frustrated right now.

Due to Hubby's company being bought out (in 2007) we had no choice but to pick a new insurance plan for this year. We think to ourselves, no big deal. Just research which one is going to be the most cost effective that still supplies the needed benefits.

That came to a screeching halt last night when we checked the mail to find a letter denying Little Man's Speech therapy. According to the letter the insurance only covers speech that is "restorative in nature." WTF? Are you kidding me? So my child should just never talk because it never developed in the first place? We cannot afford to pay for the whole thing out of our pockets so I don't know what we're going to do.

And so begins round 1 of us vs. the ins company.

It didn't help that in that same pile of mail was the bill from Peanut's stay in Dec. That one was just over 4 times more than we were expecting it to be. I guess the game they play is that the hospital only offers private rooms but insurance won't cover a private room so the insured ends up eating the cost of the room. ARGH!

That was my "happy Monday."

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