Thursday, February 12, 2009

Insurance Saga

So the drama continues. We talked to the insurance company to find out if Apraxia is covered. The answer is yes. However, apraxia is a little more complicated than just being 'apraxia'.

They are going to change billing codes and see if that works. If not we'll have to start the appeals process. So frustrating. In the mean time he's continuing the speech. I can only hope that by the time this is sorted out I'm not going to be scrambling to figure out how to pay for all of this so far out of pocket. OMG that thought is going to make me cry! LOL.

It made me feel good that his ST was beside herself and went on a rant in the office about the denial letter. Oh it was ridiculous. I believe it said, "While speech therapy may be beneficial, your benefit plan specifically excludes speech therapy that is not restorative in nature."

She said that if they are going to nit-pick in that manner we will fight that his birth trauma was a head injury therefore we are restoring what he would have had without the injury.

That's his head several hours after he was born. Nobody could believe just how big, bad & ugly that bruise & cut were. It took for what seemed like forever for that thing to go away. We both truly believe - to this day - this is the root of Little Man's problems. Say what you will, but if that bruise had appeared on my son's head AFTER he was born, he'd of been taken from my care immediately so I don't really see how the consequences of the injury would be any different.

BTW: Why don't insurance companies understand that by dealing with developmental problems they are going to save more money in the long run?


Stefani Clark said...

Oh my goodness, why did he get that huge bruise on his head?

Amie said...

He was stuck. I pushed for over 3 hours, just repeatedly jamming his head into my pelvic bones. That's the best we can figure.