Saturday, February 14, 2009

Super Baby

Last week we had to start dragging out Little Man's 12 mo clothing for Peanut. I can't believe we're already there!! So the first thing we had to do was put this baby in the Superman jammies that once belonged to his brother. And so I present to you....SUPERBABY! lol.

On a sidenote: Yesterday we had to run some errands and Hubby finished getting the boys dressed while I saw to it that the diaper bag was ready to go (including Little Man's dinner). It wasn't until a couple of hours later that I realized what he'd done. He put Little Man in Peanut's 12 mo shorts and Peanut in Little Man's 18 mo shorts. CRAZY to think how close in size these 2 boys really are considering they are 2 1/2 years apart in age.

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