Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I have a sewing machine. I hardly know how to use it. But I'm trying to learn!!!

I decided to make a simple trick-or-treat bag for Little Man this year. It can be used year after year (assuming I can remember where we put it, lol).

Don't laugh!!!! I'm really trying!

Costumes are slim pickin' here this year. Of course there will be pictures!! :) Unfortunately for my children, I think Halloween is a STUPID holiday and I get irritated every year when we have to spend money on it, lol.

3 kids and a doctor

Thankfully hubby was able to take off work a little early today to help me tote all three boys to the doctor's office. Peanut is a handful. Things were surprisingly calm and the boys did surprisingly well, lol.

Little Man had his 4yr well visit. He was 31 lbs and 49" tall. Honestly I don't know if the 49" is right or not but that's a whole other story. I was really concerned about where he was going to be on the growth charts because he's small. He just HATES eating. Surprisingly he's staying steady on the growth chart. *phew*

I wish Peanut would have had his 18mo check up today but it just didn't work out for all three to get appointments. That means one more trip back to the doctor soon. :(

Munchkin is just teeny tiny and he has the scrawniest limbs. But he sure is cute and snuggly! He weighed in at 5lbs 15oz and 18 3/4" long. He's grown well in the past couple of weeks and with it only being an ounce away we might as well call him, back up to birth weight (6lbs).

One of his face.

And one of the scrawny cuteness!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's been a while...

Shame on me for having this child home for more than a week and not updating on here. I know, I know.

But things are going well. We're finally starting to settle into a routine with 3 kids and I must admit, the transition so far has been much easier than I assumed it would be. I figured we'd be in trouble since we'd be out numbered but this baby is SUCH a good baby! He eats every 3-4 hours with at least one 5 hour stretch in there somewhere. He loves the swing and still loves to be swaddled for the time being.

I honestly still cannot get over the fact of his brown hair. If he didn't have the exact same nose as his oldest brother & the same toes as both his brothers I'd wonder if they sent the right child home with us. He's still teeny tiny, wearing preemie clothes. He can't wear the preemie sleepers because of his length but I could probably fit 2 of him in the newborn sleepers, lol.

The big boys are adjusting just fine. Neither one of them care too much that he's here at this point even though they do seem to like him. My assumption is that baby brother just isn't "fun" yet since if they get too close they're told to back off, lol. Actually, we have the Super Yard around the swing to make sure Peanut can't take the baby for an extra ride, haha!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

He Lives In S Carolina

Truly a great story. About 2 weeks ago we really started talking up the arrival of the boys new brother. Obviously Peanut was oblivious but Little Man understood what was going on.

His latest obsession is maps. He receieved a 50 states puzzle for his birthday and we've been talking a lot about where people live on the map, etc. The conversation went something like this.

Me: "Can your new baby brother come live with us?"
Little Man: "No."
Me: "Well then where is he going to live?"
Little Man: "Here!" (While pointing to S Carolina on his puzzle.) "Me live here" (pointing to TX) "Brother live here." (again pointing to SC)

Man that was great!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

An Early Release?

I cannot believe how easy this recovery has been so far. Normally the worst part of the c-section recovery for me is standing up the first time. Not this time. Yesterday I stood right up & walked right into the shower. Man that was nice. For whatever reason, this one has been the easiest. Since I'm doing so well, he's doing well & they have this bloody rule about no kids on the floor we're hoping & praying we can be discharged today/tonight instead of tomorrow morning.

Then Little Man can still go to school tomorrow and nobody has to take off to watch the boys so we can be discharged. Just Crazy.

Look how tiny he is.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Look at the hair!!!!

We had to wait for what seemed like forever to finally have our new guy in our room last night. He was having trouble maintaining his own temp & until he did that he couldn't come see us. He did finally come visit shortly before 11pm and OMG what a sweet, precious child! Not that they aren't all sweet & precious but wow. If I had to guess I'd say this little one's temperament is going to be more like his oldest brothers, which is a welcome relief for us, lol. He is just SO precious!!! Okay I know, he was only six hours old when I made that assessment, lol.

Truly our children have been baldies. Have you seen Peanut lately? He still seems bald but I think that's mostly because it's so blonde. Anyways, not this one! This kid has got a full head of hair (for being one of ours!)

I've gotten a new album up for him over at the online photo album. If you need the link, please email me.

The bad news....the older 2 boys cannot come on the floor so they won't be able to meet their baby brother until we leave. Thanks CDC! (& yes the thx is dripping with sarcasm).

Friday, October 9, 2009

So much for Tuesday

My body decided today was a much better day for a baby delivery. So this afternoon at 4:49PM we welcomed our third baby boy into the world. He weighed in at exactly 6lbs and was 18" long. He made it to 35w 3d & is doing well. He is in the regular nursery struggling to maintain his body temp but other than that's he's doing perfectly.

And now here are the couple of pictures we've got of him. He's not where we can see him yet and until he warms up and stays there they can't bring him to me. I can't get out of bed until tomorrow sometime but am doing just fine.
The reason he came early? My BP was up & the fluid level was low. So glad he's here safe & sound.

Tuesday, Oct 13, 2009

Unless something changes, this will likely be our third born's birthday.

I've been seeing the doctor twice a week for a few weeks now and it's getting REALLY old. She's almost an hour away, one way.

I saw her yesterday and I'm progressing so incredibly slowly it's driving me nuts! Don't get me wrong, it's good news because it means the little guy gets to bake longer and there's nothing wrong with that.

With yesterday's ultrasound my amniotic fluid was found to be low, but not low enough to have to whisk me away to an operating room for delivery. Hopefully we'll all make it through the weekend so that we can enjoy this cool weather and see the doc again on Mon.

Then again, I'm finally ready to get this show on the road! lol.

As of right now, my c-section is scheduled for Tues.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Party Pictures!!

It has taken me literally forever to get this up but here it is.

He wanted to go outside too, hehehe.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Any Day Now...

This week has been interesting in regards to my pregnancy. On Mon (regular appt) everything seemed to be fine and we were really just monitoring my amniotic fluid level. We even went ahead and "scheduled" my c-section for 37 weeks as a "just in case" I actually get there.

Then Tuesday there was bleeding and cramping so of course I had to go in. It was discovered that the length of my cervix was disappearing quickly, which probably caused the bleeding and a UTI was the culprit of the bulk of the contractions.

Wed, short of crowning I don't think I'd of been willing to call her office, lol.

Yesterday I had my next regular appointment. My fluid was higher (Thank Heavens) but there was nothing left of my cervix to measure. The doc & I discussed my concerns about how far away we live from the hospital and how scared to death I was of having that cerclage rip my cervix on its way out. YUCK!

So she removed the cerclage. Let me just say, "OUCH!" Oh that was some kind of painful. I'd been hoping to get to a scheduled c-section so they could take it out in the OR when I wouldn't feel it, lol. The moment she removed it I was dilated to 3 & 80% effaced.

She had me go over to L&D for monitoring to make sure I wasn't having any contractions before I could go home. Thankfully none and home we went.

So now we wait. I take it easy & stay on all my meds...and wait.

Could be today, tomorrow, a week from now or even 2 weeks from now. It's anybody's guess.

Although I do feel incredibly lucky and I really practically love my doctor. She has assured me that even if she's not on call, she'll come in for me. YAY!