Saturday, October 10, 2009

Look at the hair!!!!

We had to wait for what seemed like forever to finally have our new guy in our room last night. He was having trouble maintaining his own temp & until he did that he couldn't come see us. He did finally come visit shortly before 11pm and OMG what a sweet, precious child! Not that they aren't all sweet & precious but wow. If I had to guess I'd say this little one's temperament is going to be more like his oldest brothers, which is a welcome relief for us, lol. He is just SO precious!!! Okay I know, he was only six hours old when I made that assessment, lol.

Truly our children have been baldies. Have you seen Peanut lately? He still seems bald but I think that's mostly because it's so blonde. Anyways, not this one! This kid has got a full head of hair (for being one of ours!)

I've gotten a new album up for him over at the online photo album. If you need the link, please email me.

The bad news....the older 2 boys cannot come on the floor so they won't be able to meet their baby brother until we leave. Thanks CDC! (& yes the thx is dripping with sarcasm).

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