Tuesday, July 1, 2008

2 Month Checkup

Today was Peanut's 2 month well child & he's doing great!! He weighs a whopping 10lbs 7ozs. That's basically double his birth weight and only an ounce less than Little Man weighed at 2 months. WOW! He is also growing lengthwise and is 21" long as of today. He has an umbilical hernia but that should resolve on its own in time.

I got more information about the upper GI today. The problem, specifically, is the flap that empties the stomach into the intestines. That's the one that is spasming. And when it does it will often send the contents of his stomach straight up into his esophagus (and out of his mouth). Again, it should resolve on its own and it's probably only happening because of his prematurity. She's leaving him on the zantac since we know from the pH probe study that acid is coming back up into his esophagus. She's switching him from his other reflux med to a new one that should help control the muscles in his stomach better. We're also switching formula again to see if it will help with his gassiness. She was amazed at just how hard his tummy was from the gas. I feel so bad for him.

So it was a good visit and Little Man got a balloon. He loves his balloons, lol.

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