Saturday, July 12, 2008

I Give Up!

Today we moved Peanut's crib into our room. We were hoping we were going to be able to just put him in his room but it's not going to happen yet. He's getting too big for the bassinet and it's obviously not comfortable. The last 2 nights he's been sleeping better until about 5am when he wants a change of venue. There are 2 problems with putting him in his room. 1. It's on the other side of the house and 2. He'll have Little Man awake in no time. This kid has some lungs and he is not shy about using them. Just ask...well...just about anyone that's been on the phone with me at any time in the past month, lol.

Our room is cramped but it's the best option for now.

On a lighter note, I think Little Man's goldfish has eaten 2 of the other fish in his tank. We had 4 others and 2 are MIA and we haven't found any floaters. It's a little bit disturbing to be honest and that goldfish is HUGE! LOL!

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