Tuesday, July 29, 2008

You look like a piece of corn...

A little background info: There is a movie called Elmo in Grouchland which happens to be a cute little movie. It's got great adult humor in it even though it's a musical kids movie. Anyhow, there is a scene in it when a HUGE, GIANORMOUS chicken is telling Elmo to stop moving around so he can eat his din-din & Elmo has to convince the chicken that he isn't a piece of corn.

I have NO IDEA why Hubby picked this of all things BUT...he did. He is constantly referring to Peanut as a piece of corn. It's really cute though and Hubby will tell him, "You look like a piece of corn and I'm going to eat you!" Then he'll nudge his neck or something with kisses. TOO CUTE.

I felt compelled to honor the Corn during Peanut's 3 month pictures. I present to you for your entertainment:

Admit it, you giggled just a little.

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