Friday, July 25, 2008

Pump It Up

That's the name of the place we went this morning. We took Little Man & met up with SIS & Diva. Oh man it was SO much fun! What a great work out for us adults as well. It was nice having extra hands to shuffle Peanut around so we all got to have a great time. Here are the pictures and I'm going to upload a video and put that up as well. Enjoy! BTW: If you've been looking for pictures in the online photo album, I do apologize but I'm way behind & I'll get it updated this weekend.

Peanut is doing well. After going a month with no alarms he had one. UGH! Just when we thought we might get to get rid of that thing! LOL!

He seems to be sleeping better and usually only gets up once between 2:30 & 3:30 to eat. That means we're finally getting at least SOME sleep. He seems to be spitting up less and having fewer days that are spent crying and screaming over the gas in his tummy. We can finally see the brighter side of things.

Little Man is having his speech evaluation on Monday and then on Friday he's having an overall assessment. Things might get interesting from this point on. We'll see.

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