I don't even know where to begin. Let's start with the first fact...if Little Man needs nothing else, the boy needs some intense speech therapy. He's young enough to mold and teach and it's GOT to be done.
Little Man will be seeing the neurologist in Sept to determine whether or not he has Cerebral Palsy (CP). (Oh man, it looks even worse typing it than I thought it would.) The older Little Man gets the more we realize that something is different about him. When you look at all of the individual things he has gone through and been treated for along with his current "issues" CP looks like a real possibility. ESPECIALLY if you take into account his more than traumatic entry into this world. It just seems as though nobody has ever really "connected the dots" you might say.
Words cannot even begin to describe my emotions on this subject and the way that my heart breaks for him, what he's already gone through and the road ahead, diagnosis or no diagnosis.
So we've been trying to find someplace to put Little Man for speech since no matter what a diagnosis is or is not he needs it. ECI just can't give him the amount of services he needs right now. We live in a rural area and the ST is part time.
I am so overwhelmed right now and downright frustrated that I just don't even begin to know where to start. For some reason, the place we were going to take him to (which is still 45 miles one way) is going to be billed differently by our insurance than the regular speech therapy. That was going to quadruple our cost for the sessions which doesn't even include gas to get to & from. So we cancelled the appointment and are trying to find someplace else. UGH!
All of this is on top of the medical bills from mine & Peanut's stays in the hospital. In researching the issue with the billing for speech it was discovered that the benefits for Speech, Occupational & Physical therapy combined are RIDICULOUSLY low. If Little Man needs anything other than speech he is going to blow right through it and then I have no idea what to do.
On Thursday we have an appointment with a developmental specialist that is going to assess Little Man and let us know which areas he is behind in & just how far behind that is. We believe it's very likely he's going to need some occupational & physical therapy on top of his speech. How in the HELL we are going to make this work is beyond me.
I know somehow it will all work out but hopefully we'll be able to figure this out pretty quickly because time is of the essence for him.
He has got to be the sweetest 2 year old on the planet. He's cute, happy, silly & determined. He is madly in love with Thomas the Tank Engine right now and just loves to tell you all about it (even though it sounds like he speaks Chinese). I'm thinking it's going to be a Thomas birthday this year, lol. Although at this point, sadly, he still isn't going to have many people there because we won't be able to put him in MDO this fall like we planned. The money has to be spent on therapy instead.
Okay now that I have successfully depressed everyone (or is it just me? lol) here is a picture of the sweetest smile EVER.
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