Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Flameless Candles

Before I started couponing, I never would have spent money on things like the Flameless candles but over the past couple of months I've been able to score several of them for Free or a buck a piece. That means I had several sitting on a shelf just waiting for a reason to be used and last night it happened.

We had some pretty bad weather move through and somewhere just after 10 we lost power for a couple of hours. I really REALLY didn't want to take Peanut out of his crib since it was only his second night in there. I opened up a couple more of those Glade Flameless Wisp candles and those were perfect! Of course I'm not going to leave a real candle in my 6 month old's room so that I can go to bed, so these were the perfect solution. Just stuck one up on his bookshelf and that was perfect for me!

Little Man fell asleep in our bed for the first time EVER because he'd woken up shortly before the weather got nasty with a nasty cough and threw up. Once he fell asleep I promptly returned to his own bed so that I could finally sleep.

I did take some video of Little Man saying some of his words and hopefully I'll get that uploaded today.

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