Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sleeping through the Night!

WOOHOOOO!!!!!! Peanut slept the entire night in his crib last night! This is the first time that's ever happened and he slept the whole night. Just about 10 hours. He woke up in such a good mood too! He ate like a pig for his daddy while I made some modifications to his crib to make it more comfortable for him. Needless to say I won't be putting him back in his swing even for naps now. No, he's going to spend a little more time in that crib, lol.

I was so excited when I asked Hubby this morning, "Did you have to go in there?" and he answered, "NO." YAY! He didn't make a peep until 8:15 this morning.

Let's hope this isn't a fluke...

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