Friday, November 7, 2008

Today's the day

On Tuesday I finally had my stent removed. Thankfully the CT Scan showed no trace of the stone so we're hoping that's right. The doctor warned me that they can be wrong but we feel pretty good that it means it really is gone.

Let me just say, having that stent removed was one of the most painful things EVER. Shoot, just having the stent was painful!

Anyways, today is the day that I start new dietary restrictions in hopes of lowering my risk for developing more stones. In 4 months I'll return to the doctor and he will do a full work up to determine my risk. If my risk is still high, even with the restrictions, they'll put me on some medication to help have this never happen again. I do hope I never have to go through this again. YUCK.

The boys are doing well. Peanut is rolling around now, although he still gets mad pretty quickly when he's on his tummy and doesn't always realize he can keep going on his own. He can sit for a second or two if you get him balanced just right. He's really making some great progress.

Little Man is getting lots of speech therapy and it just seems more & more likely he's headed for a diagnosis of apraxia. I promise I'll dedicate an entire post to Apraxia. Just going to take some time to get it together in a manner in which it's coherent, lol.

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