On Monday we took Peanut to the neurosurgeon for what was our last visit with him. Nice Guy. Busy waiting room. LONG waits!! lol.
He informed us that since Peanut is now walking that we're pretty much out of the woods of his (external) hydrocephalus ever needing surgical intervention. His head is still WAY up there on the charts. It's somewhere around or just above the 95th percentile & if you correct for age (he was nearly 2 mo early) it's well above the 100th percentile, but that's pretty much where it's been since he was tiny.
He turned 15 mo on Sat & at his appointment he weighed in at 24lbs & 30" & some change. Not bad at all. Actually, the boy likes to eat.
My 'issue' is how flat his head still is on one side. No, it's not the end of the world but look at this poor boy's genetics...he IS going to be bald again & I hate to say it but that will be sooner rather than later. He was never a candidate for a helmet because of the extra fluid surrounding his brain. Putting him in a helmet could have caused more damage than good, so his head will round out just a little more before that last soft spot closes but he's pretty much stuck with what he's got. Man that sucks for him.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
A bit Bummed
Let's see if I'm capable of keeping this one short.
Not Likely.
We have 2 children (obviously) & both were born a bit on the early side. In case you don't know a pregnancy is supposed to be 40 weeks but it's considered full term at 37. Little Man made it to 35 weeks (no NICU time) & the Peanut made it to 32 weeks (a month in NICU). I have a cerclage this time around & I was really hoping that would make a huge difference in keeping this little one baking even longer than the first 2.
So far things have gone pretty well, no issues with the baby & he's growing just fine. While my blood pressure has a tendency to soar the moment of conception it's not taken a ton of meds to keep it in check...until now. I'm 24 weeks & for the first time this pregnancy I finally got an indication that she doesn't expect me to actually make it to term...again.
Little Man was born in MI so I had a different doctor with him. I'm using the same doctor this time as I did for Peanut (love her) and all during that pregnancy she was very honest about me not making it to term. Of course, that's because the issue of the cervix was discovered then.
So yesterday as I was having the discussion of how & when the cerclage comes out, signs of labor that could be different this time around because of being stitched etc, she said those dreaded words..."I'll be ecstatic if you make it to 36 weeks." UGH. This is SO disappointing to me.
Even though most women do nothing but gripe about that last month of pregnancy I'd love the opportunity to experience it. I'm still hopeful that I can prove her wrong but I guess time will tell.
Anyhow, that's why I'm a bit bummed now.
Not Likely.
We have 2 children (obviously) & both were born a bit on the early side. In case you don't know a pregnancy is supposed to be 40 weeks but it's considered full term at 37. Little Man made it to 35 weeks (no NICU time) & the Peanut made it to 32 weeks (a month in NICU). I have a cerclage this time around & I was really hoping that would make a huge difference in keeping this little one baking even longer than the first 2.
So far things have gone pretty well, no issues with the baby & he's growing just fine. While my blood pressure has a tendency to soar the moment of conception it's not taken a ton of meds to keep it in check...until now. I'm 24 weeks & for the first time this pregnancy I finally got an indication that she doesn't expect me to actually make it to term...again.
Little Man was born in MI so I had a different doctor with him. I'm using the same doctor this time as I did for Peanut (love her) and all during that pregnancy she was very honest about me not making it to term. Of course, that's because the issue of the cervix was discovered then.
So yesterday as I was having the discussion of how & when the cerclage comes out, signs of labor that could be different this time around because of being stitched etc, she said those dreaded words..."I'll be ecstatic if you make it to 36 weeks." UGH. This is SO disappointing to me.
Even though most women do nothing but gripe about that last month of pregnancy I'd love the opportunity to experience it. I'm still hopeful that I can prove her wrong but I guess time will tell.
Anyhow, that's why I'm a bit bummed now.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Home Sweet Home
Sometimes I think the best part of a vacation is coming home and laying your head on your own pillow. Man that feels good!
First we drove straight through to the Washington, DC area to visit Hubby's family. We had a good time & for the first time in a long time, all of the grandkids were together. It was really nice to see some of Hubby's cousins that we don't get to see very often & we were thrilled to be able to finally spend some time with our cutie patootie niece.
So we got to DC in time to go to bed on Fri night (July 10) & we headed out for our vacation part of the trip on Tuesday morning. Vacation this time: Camping in the Smokey Mountains. We actually camped "in" Cherokee, NC & had a blast. We stayed at a Jellystone campground & Little Man was SO excited to actually see Yogi & Cindy Bear. SO CUTE.
Thankfully the rain pretty much stayed away during the day but the last 2 nights there saw some thunderstorms. That was interesting. That was also the end of our tent camping days.
We officially have a "pop up" fund for next year, lol.
So here we are, 3600 miles later, HOME SWEET HOME.
Pictures to follow once I get them onto the computer.
First we drove straight through to the Washington, DC area to visit Hubby's family. We had a good time & for the first time in a long time, all of the grandkids were together. It was really nice to see some of Hubby's cousins that we don't get to see very often & we were thrilled to be able to finally spend some time with our cutie patootie niece.
So we got to DC in time to go to bed on Fri night (July 10) & we headed out for our vacation part of the trip on Tuesday morning. Vacation this time: Camping in the Smokey Mountains. We actually camped "in" Cherokee, NC & had a blast. We stayed at a Jellystone campground & Little Man was SO excited to actually see Yogi & Cindy Bear. SO CUTE.
Thankfully the rain pretty much stayed away during the day but the last 2 nights there saw some thunderstorms. That was interesting. That was also the end of our tent camping days.
We officially have a "pop up" fund for next year, lol.
So here we are, 3600 miles later, HOME SWEET HOME.
Pictures to follow once I get them onto the computer.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
We've Lost Our Minds
That's right folks...we've lost it! :)
Thursday I packed the van & when Hubby got home from work we left town, driving straight through to the Washington, DC area to visit Hubby's family. That's a long drive. No, really long as in over 24 hours. Especially with a 3yo & a 14mo. It really wasn't that bad though. The boys sure were ready to get out of the car when we got here though, lol. Who could blame them.
So we're here a few days & then we'll go camping in the Smoky's a few days before heading back home. Should be a decent get-a-way.
By the way: I just have to tell you how frustrated I am. People just cannot understand Apraxia/dyspraxia. I'm honestly just as sick of dealing with this stuff as I am of explaining it. I can't stand when we're away from home because Little Man hardly eats and being in groups of people makes it SO much worse. And honestly, until you've walked a mile in our shoes I don't think it's really even possible to understand it but that doesn't make it any easier on us when people choose to judge us, him or the situation.
Eh, I'm not really in a great mood tonight anyway.
G'night folks!
Thursday I packed the van & when Hubby got home from work we left town, driving straight through to the Washington, DC area to visit Hubby's family. That's a long drive. No, really long as in over 24 hours. Especially with a 3yo & a 14mo. It really wasn't that bad though. The boys sure were ready to get out of the car when we got here though, lol. Who could blame them.
So we're here a few days & then we'll go camping in the Smoky's a few days before heading back home. Should be a decent get-a-way.
By the way: I just have to tell you how frustrated I am. People just cannot understand Apraxia/dyspraxia. I'm honestly just as sick of dealing with this stuff as I am of explaining it. I can't stand when we're away from home because Little Man hardly eats and being in groups of people makes it SO much worse. And honestly, until you've walked a mile in our shoes I don't think it's really even possible to understand it but that doesn't make it any easier on us when people choose to judge us, him or the situation.
Eh, I'm not really in a great mood tonight anyway.
G'night folks!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Just do your job!
With both of our children having issues that have required extensive medical care this was bound to happen eventually.
Back in December, Peanut had a short stay at Texas Children's Hospital to determine why he had extra fluid surrounding his brain. At the point they decided to admit him, it wasn't that they thought it was an emergency to know what was going on since they had determined his ventricles were okay. Instead the issue was that if they sent us home to follow up, it would be 4-6 months before he would be seen & have an MRI to determine what was going on. It might not have been an immediate need but waiting months to find out wasn't acceptable to any of us. It was at least more urgent than that.
So the point is that someone at the hospital dropped the ball & didn't manage to follow through with getting the pre-cert required for his hospital stay. Oh bloody wonderful! I have been chasing this crap through hoops for months. The hospital says we owe them over $2000 because part of the claim was denied.
Well hellooooooo bone heads! It was denied because someone at your facility didn't bother to make sure the authorization was obtained!!! The insurance company doesn't even show a record of TCH making an attempt for an auth, even though TCH says they started it.
Well TCH, if you did then you could provide me that info so that I can help you get paid! Grrr....
My Plan: I've had enough. I know that we owe them $500 for our co-pay and not a dime over (because the OOP max was met in what, the first few hours of his life? LOL). The insurance co paid for all the medical related services but denied room & board based on lack of authorization. I am willing to file one appeal with the ins co. If it's denied again TCH will be getting a letter along with my payment of $500 explaining that they will NEVER see another dime related to that claim and they can take up the lack of authorization with the employee that failed to do their job or the insurance company but it's not my problem.
If people would just do their jobs, things like this wouldn't happen.
Back in December, Peanut had a short stay at Texas Children's Hospital to determine why he had extra fluid surrounding his brain. At the point they decided to admit him, it wasn't that they thought it was an emergency to know what was going on since they had determined his ventricles were okay. Instead the issue was that if they sent us home to follow up, it would be 4-6 months before he would be seen & have an MRI to determine what was going on. It might not have been an immediate need but waiting months to find out wasn't acceptable to any of us. It was at least more urgent than that.
So the point is that someone at the hospital dropped the ball & didn't manage to follow through with getting the pre-cert required for his hospital stay. Oh bloody wonderful! I have been chasing this crap through hoops for months. The hospital says we owe them over $2000 because part of the claim was denied.
Well hellooooooo bone heads! It was denied because someone at your facility didn't bother to make sure the authorization was obtained!!! The insurance company doesn't even show a record of TCH making an attempt for an auth, even though TCH says they started it.
Well TCH, if you did then you could provide me that info so that I can help you get paid! Grrr....
My Plan: I've had enough. I know that we owe them $500 for our co-pay and not a dime over (because the OOP max was met in what, the first few hours of his life? LOL). The insurance co paid for all the medical related services but denied room & board based on lack of authorization. I am willing to file one appeal with the ins co. If it's denied again TCH will be getting a letter along with my payment of $500 explaining that they will NEVER see another dime related to that claim and they can take up the lack of authorization with the employee that failed to do their job or the insurance company but it's not my problem.
If people would just do their jobs, things like this wouldn't happen.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Lead Shoes
Meet the lead shoes.

Of course they aren't really made of lead. But try telling that to Peanut. On Friday we bought him his first pair of shoes and he really doesn't care for them one bit, lol. He just stands there, frozen in place as though his feet are too heavy to lift. Oh yeah, & he screams his head off about it too. What a hoot!

I do have to say I'm horribly disappointed that we have lots of shoes in new condition from Little Man but as we suspected, the Peanut needs WIDE shoes making Little Man's shoes perfectly useless. Go figure.

Of course they aren't really made of lead. But try telling that to Peanut. On Friday we bought him his first pair of shoes and he really doesn't care for them one bit, lol. He just stands there, frozen in place as though his feet are too heavy to lift. Oh yeah, & he screams his head off about it too. What a hoot!

I do have to say I'm horribly disappointed that we have lots of shoes in new condition from Little Man but as we suspected, the Peanut needs WIDE shoes making Little Man's shoes perfectly useless. Go figure.
Happy Fourth!
"Happy Fourth hon, we're cleaning out the garage!" ~Hubby, last night...
This entry isn't devoted to our nation's birth or history.
No, this fourth is dedicated to ensuring there are no more places in our garage for SNAKES to hide!!!
I don't do snakes. Anyone that knows me knows that I am a firm believer of 2 things. 1. The only good snake, is a dead snake. and 2. I'd rather have a rodent problem than a snake problem ANY DAY.
Unfortunately the 3 foot copperhead that was in our garage last night is still alive somewhere because Hubby isn't exactly the guy for the job when it comes to critter killin'. Bless his heart.
We are in a really bad drought out here. Honestly, I can't remember the last time it rained at our house it's been so dry. That means these snakes are desperate for water as well so there are a lot of snakes out because of this. I am intelligent enough to know that most snakes are harmless but that doesn't change the psychological factor for me.
BTW: While we're on the topic of psychological issues...Who the hell is it that decided to come up with the saying that the snakes are more afraid of me than I am of them? Now that person needs a brain!!! You clearly don't know me & my history of snakes too well.
There really is one defining moment for me though. I was probably about 8 years old. I'm pretty sure I was with my friend Heather at the time but don't really remember. Anyhow, our house was in the corner of a col-de-sac which backed up to a huge drainage ditch & woods on the other side of it. Snakes were a way of life & my dad just cut off their heads and tossed em back over, lol. So Heather (I'm pretty sure it was you) & I were back there like we often times were and as I was climbing the embankment on the other side I came within inches of stepping on a water moccasin. I probably jumped 10 feet, pissed myself and screamed for another 10 minutes, lol. I never liked snakes but until that moment I didn't flat out hate them. Now I hate them, they are my irrational fear of choice and did I mention I think they're DISGUSTING?!
They're fast, unpredictable, gross & sometimes dangerous. NO THANK YOU.
We definitely had a good laugh last night after the snake left the garage but needless to say we've been working today on getting the garage cleaned out and the moth balls have been laid. Oh the moth balls don't work you say? Believe me...this is a psychological battle....they work.
This entry isn't devoted to our nation's birth or history.
No, this fourth is dedicated to ensuring there are no more places in our garage for SNAKES to hide!!!
I don't do snakes. Anyone that knows me knows that I am a firm believer of 2 things. 1. The only good snake, is a dead snake. and 2. I'd rather have a rodent problem than a snake problem ANY DAY.
Unfortunately the 3 foot copperhead that was in our garage last night is still alive somewhere because Hubby isn't exactly the guy for the job when it comes to critter killin'. Bless his heart.
We are in a really bad drought out here. Honestly, I can't remember the last time it rained at our house it's been so dry. That means these snakes are desperate for water as well so there are a lot of snakes out because of this. I am intelligent enough to know that most snakes are harmless but that doesn't change the psychological factor for me.
BTW: While we're on the topic of psychological issues...Who the hell is it that decided to come up with the saying that the snakes are more afraid of me than I am of them? Now that person needs a brain!!! You clearly don't know me & my history of snakes too well.
There really is one defining moment for me though. I was probably about 8 years old. I'm pretty sure I was with my friend Heather at the time but don't really remember. Anyhow, our house was in the corner of a col-de-sac which backed up to a huge drainage ditch & woods on the other side of it. Snakes were a way of life & my dad just cut off their heads and tossed em back over, lol. So Heather (I'm pretty sure it was you) & I were back there like we often times were and as I was climbing the embankment on the other side I came within inches of stepping on a water moccasin. I probably jumped 10 feet, pissed myself and screamed for another 10 minutes, lol. I never liked snakes but until that moment I didn't flat out hate them. Now I hate them, they are my irrational fear of choice and did I mention I think they're DISGUSTING?!
They're fast, unpredictable, gross & sometimes dangerous. NO THANK YOU.
We definitely had a good laugh last night after the snake left the garage but needless to say we've been working today on getting the garage cleaned out and the moth balls have been laid. Oh the moth balls don't work you say? Believe me...this is a psychological battle....they work.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Peanut's Communication
...Or lack thereof!
He is officially done with ECI (early childhood) although they'd of liked to of kept him a bit longer due to his lack of communication. They did his 6mo evaluation on him yesterday and he scored fine except for communication...only 10 months. He's 14 months old, 12 months corrected but scored as a 10 month old.
Someone shake me, I have no desire to enter the twilight zone. NONE.
Honestly, I'm not terribly worried about it. Most importantly there is very little that can be done at this age. All the stuff that can be 'done' I know about. (Thank You Little Man)
My first mission...get this child OFF the bottle. But "hey" you say, "He's only 1!!" yeah, but you haven't heard him 'talk.' His favorite phrase is dadadadada which is the same skill used to suck from a bottle.
His service coordinator was kind enough to bring me 'The Honey Bear' today and what a difference! This is the Honey Bear.

You should know I've been trying for a couple of months to get him off the bottle but he's emotionally attached. He might not take a pacifier but he sure does like that bottle. He just throws the sippy, assuming you can even get him to hold it. I can only hold out so long on him because it's been hot & I can't have a dehydrated baby out of stubborness.
Honestly, I'd rather him be on a straw anyway. Sippy's aren't required for anything other than keeping furniture clean while drinking on it. :)
So with this great little Honey Bear all you have to do is gently squeeze his belly to make it come up the straw. Then he realizes there is something worth while in there & he figures out what to do on his own. Which he did do today. Although it's cute to watch him try to hold it in the air like a bottle and get irritated when nothing comes out, hehe. Also, it doesn't appear he is squeezing to get anything out. Can't wait to try a real straw tonight to see if he puts it all together or not.
Thank you ladies for all your help with him!
He is officially done with ECI (early childhood) although they'd of liked to of kept him a bit longer due to his lack of communication. They did his 6mo evaluation on him yesterday and he scored fine except for communication...only 10 months. He's 14 months old, 12 months corrected but scored as a 10 month old.
Someone shake me, I have no desire to enter the twilight zone. NONE.
Honestly, I'm not terribly worried about it. Most importantly there is very little that can be done at this age. All the stuff that can be 'done' I know about. (Thank You Little Man)
My first mission...get this child OFF the bottle. But "hey" you say, "He's only 1!!" yeah, but you haven't heard him 'talk.' His favorite phrase is dadadadada which is the same skill used to suck from a bottle.
His service coordinator was kind enough to bring me 'The Honey Bear' today and what a difference! This is the Honey Bear.

You should know I've been trying for a couple of months to get him off the bottle but he's emotionally attached. He might not take a pacifier but he sure does like that bottle. He just throws the sippy, assuming you can even get him to hold it. I can only hold out so long on him because it's been hot & I can't have a dehydrated baby out of stubborness.
Honestly, I'd rather him be on a straw anyway. Sippy's aren't required for anything other than keeping furniture clean while drinking on it. :)
So with this great little Honey Bear all you have to do is gently squeeze his belly to make it come up the straw. Then he realizes there is something worth while in there & he figures out what to do on his own. Which he did do today. Although it's cute to watch him try to hold it in the air like a bottle and get irritated when nothing comes out, hehe. Also, it doesn't appear he is squeezing to get anything out. Can't wait to try a real straw tonight to see if he puts it all together or not.
Thank you ladies for all your help with him!
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