Saturday, July 11, 2009

We've Lost Our Minds

That's right folks...we've lost it! :)

Thursday I packed the van & when Hubby got home from work we left town, driving straight through to the Washington, DC area to visit Hubby's family. That's a long drive. No, really long as in over 24 hours. Especially with a 3yo & a 14mo. It really wasn't that bad though. The boys sure were ready to get out of the car when we got here though, lol. Who could blame them.

So we're here a few days & then we'll go camping in the Smoky's a few days before heading back home. Should be a decent get-a-way.

By the way: I just have to tell you how frustrated I am. People just cannot understand Apraxia/dyspraxia. I'm honestly just as sick of dealing with this stuff as I am of explaining it. I can't stand when we're away from home because Little Man hardly eats and being in groups of people makes it SO much worse. And honestly, until you've walked a mile in our shoes I don't think it's really even possible to understand it but that doesn't make it any easier on us when people choose to judge us, him or the situation.

Eh, I'm not really in a great mood tonight anyway.

G'night folks!

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