He is officially done with ECI (early childhood) although they'd of liked to of kept him a bit longer due to his lack of communication. They did his 6mo evaluation on him yesterday and he scored fine except for communication...only 10 months. He's 14 months old, 12 months corrected but scored as a 10 month old.
Someone shake me, I have no desire to enter the twilight zone. NONE.
Honestly, I'm not terribly worried about it. Most importantly there is very little that can be done at this age. All the stuff that can be 'done' I know about. (Thank You Little Man)
My first mission...get this child OFF the bottle. But "hey" you say, "He's only 1!!" yeah, but you haven't heard him 'talk.' His favorite phrase is dadadadada which is the same skill used to suck from a bottle.
His service coordinator was kind enough to bring me 'The Honey Bear' today and what a difference! This is the Honey Bear.

You should know I've been trying for a couple of months to get him off the bottle but he's emotionally attached. He might not take a pacifier but he sure does like that bottle. He just throws the sippy, assuming you can even get him to hold it. I can only hold out so long on him because it's been hot & I can't have a dehydrated baby out of stubborness.
Honestly, I'd rather him be on a straw anyway. Sippy's aren't required for anything other than keeping furniture clean while drinking on it. :)
So with this great little Honey Bear all you have to do is gently squeeze his belly to make it come up the straw. Then he realizes there is something worth while in there & he figures out what to do on his own. Which he did do today. Although it's cute to watch him try to hold it in the air like a bottle and get irritated when nothing comes out, hehe. Also, it doesn't appear he is squeezing to get anything out. Can't wait to try a real straw tonight to see if he puts it all together or not.
Thank you ladies for all your help with him!
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