Thursday, July 23, 2009

A bit Bummed

Let's see if I'm capable of keeping this one short.

Not Likely.

We have 2 children (obviously) & both were born a bit on the early side. In case you don't know a pregnancy is supposed to be 40 weeks but it's considered full term at 37. Little Man made it to 35 weeks (no NICU time) & the Peanut made it to 32 weeks (a month in NICU). I have a cerclage this time around & I was really hoping that would make a huge difference in keeping this little one baking even longer than the first 2.

So far things have gone pretty well, no issues with the baby & he's growing just fine. While my blood pressure has a tendency to soar the moment of conception it's not taken a ton of meds to keep it in check...until now. I'm 24 weeks & for the first time this pregnancy I finally got an indication that she doesn't expect me to actually make it to term...again.

Little Man was born in MI so I had a different doctor with him. I'm using the same doctor this time as I did for Peanut (love her) and all during that pregnancy she was very honest about me not making it to term. Of course, that's because the issue of the cervix was discovered then.

So yesterday as I was having the discussion of how & when the cerclage comes out, signs of labor that could be different this time around because of being stitched etc, she said those dreaded words..."I'll be ecstatic if you make it to 36 weeks." UGH. This is SO disappointing to me.

Even though most women do nothing but gripe about that last month of pregnancy I'd love the opportunity to experience it. I'm still hopeful that I can prove her wrong but I guess time will tell.

Anyhow, that's why I'm a bit bummed now.

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