Wednesday, July 29, 2009

No More Neurosurgeon


On Monday we took Peanut to the neurosurgeon for what was our last visit with him. Nice Guy. Busy waiting room. LONG waits!! lol.

He informed us that since Peanut is now walking that we're pretty much out of the woods of his (external) hydrocephalus ever needing surgical intervention. His head is still WAY up there on the charts. It's somewhere around or just above the 95th percentile & if you correct for age (he was nearly 2 mo early) it's well above the 100th percentile, but that's pretty much where it's been since he was tiny.

He turned 15 mo on Sat & at his appointment he weighed in at 24lbs & 30" & some change. Not bad at all. Actually, the boy likes to eat.

My 'issue' is how flat his head still is on one side. No, it's not the end of the world but look at this poor boy's genetics...he IS going to be bald again & I hate to say it but that will be sooner rather than later. He was never a candidate for a helmet because of the extra fluid surrounding his brain. Putting him in a helmet could have caused more damage than good, so his head will round out just a little more before that last soft spot closes but he's pretty much stuck with what he's got. Man that sucks for him.

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