Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth!

"Happy Fourth hon, we're cleaning out the garage!" ~Hubby, last night...

This entry isn't devoted to our nation's birth or history.

No, this fourth is dedicated to ensuring there are no more places in our garage for SNAKES to hide!!!

I don't do snakes. Anyone that knows me knows that I am a firm believer of 2 things. 1. The only good snake, is a dead snake. and 2. I'd rather have a rodent problem than a snake problem ANY DAY.

Unfortunately the 3 foot copperhead that was in our garage last night is still alive somewhere because Hubby isn't exactly the guy for the job when it comes to critter killin'. Bless his heart.

We are in a really bad drought out here. Honestly, I can't remember the last time it rained at our house it's been so dry. That means these snakes are desperate for water as well so there are a lot of snakes out because of this. I am intelligent enough to know that most snakes are harmless but that doesn't change the psychological factor for me.

BTW: While we're on the topic of psychological issues...Who the hell is it that decided to come up with the saying that the snakes are more afraid of me than I am of them? Now that person needs a brain!!! You clearly don't know me & my history of snakes too well.

There really is one defining moment for me though. I was probably about 8 years old. I'm pretty sure I was with my friend Heather at the time but don't really remember. Anyhow, our house was in the corner of a col-de-sac which backed up to a huge drainage ditch & woods on the other side of it. Snakes were a way of life & my dad just cut off their heads and tossed em back over, lol. So Heather (I'm pretty sure it was you) & I were back there like we often times were and as I was climbing the embankment on the other side I came within inches of stepping on a water moccasin. I probably jumped 10 feet, pissed myself and screamed for another 10 minutes, lol. I never liked snakes but until that moment I didn't flat out hate them. Now I hate them, they are my irrational fear of choice and did I mention I think they're DISGUSTING?!

They're fast, unpredictable, gross & sometimes dangerous. NO THANK YOU.

We definitely had a good laugh last night after the snake left the garage but needless to say we've been working today on getting the garage cleaned out and the moth balls have been laid. Oh the moth balls don't work you say? Believe me...this is a psychological battle....they work.

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