Saturday, July 18, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Sometimes I think the best part of a vacation is coming home and laying your head on your own pillow. Man that feels good!

First we drove straight through to the Washington, DC area to visit Hubby's family. We had a good time & for the first time in a long time, all of the grandkids were together. It was really nice to see some of Hubby's cousins that we don't get to see very often & we were thrilled to be able to finally spend some time with our cutie patootie niece.

So we got to DC in time to go to bed on Fri night (July 10) & we headed out for our vacation part of the trip on Tuesday morning. Vacation this time: Camping in the Smokey Mountains. We actually camped "in" Cherokee, NC & had a blast. We stayed at a Jellystone campground & Little Man was SO excited to actually see Yogi & Cindy Bear. SO CUTE.

Thankfully the rain pretty much stayed away during the day but the last 2 nights there saw some thunderstorms. That was interesting. That was also the end of our tent camping days.

We officially have a "pop up" fund for next year, lol.

So here we are, 3600 miles later, HOME SWEET HOME.

Pictures to follow once I get them onto the computer.

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