Monday, September 28, 2009

An Eventful Day

First I had to make an appt for Little Man for the doctor. He woke up yesterday with fever and a cough. Since I'm pregnant I felt it was best that we ruled out the flu and that we did today. Definitely not the flu. 5 days of antibiotics and life will go on.

Then I saw my doc today. Fluid is a little lower. I go back on Thurs to have it checked. I'm a little concerned that Thurs could end up being the big day. I'm literally one cm of fluid away from being considered 'low' on fluid, which isn't good for baby. My contractions have actually eased up some and the protein in my urine is gone...all great news.

I've finally uploaded pics of Little Man's birthday party from Sat and will be uploading those hopefully tomorrow. That really depends on how much cuddling he wants though. :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pre-Birthday Party

The past 2 years we've not been able to give Little Man much of a party for reasons beyond our control. Such as last year I was in the hospital and it was cancelled last minute.

This year we decided we'd be extra cautious and plan his birthday party early in hopes of their new brother's arrival not throwing a wrench into any of our plans. So far so good.

We've rented a bouncer for the day along with a sno-cone machine (which is really for me & the hubby, hahahaha) and invited lots of little friends.

At this point I have no idea what the turn out will be. Between the flu & another stomach virus going around kids are dropping like flies, lol.

But today I realized, it's okay. Even if NONE of the kids showed up (I know that won't happen because I do know of at least 3 kids coming) it wouldn't matter. They are outside setting up the pirate themed bouncer. I told him to go look out his window and he came running back in here screaming, "A pirate ship! a pirate ship!!!" And now my heart is content. It doesn't matter how many kids show up because he's going to have an awesome day no matter what.

Of course there will be pictures later!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

One of THOSE mornings...

Today was one of those mornings.

I could not, for the life of me remember what time my doc's appt was. For most people that's not a huge problem, but we live a solid 45 min away...WITHOUT rain.

I called at 8:30 when they opened and found out the appt was at 9:30 so it was out the door we went. Rainy and chilly. Only about 58 or 59 degrees out here this morning.

Let me give you the quick version...

The umbrella I had turned out to be broken.
My hair got completely tangled in said umbrella.
Little Man picked 3 very inconvenient times to need to potty.
One of those times turned into poop which meant I had to strip him down & take his underwear off. (While the doctor was waiting on me)
I was nearly 10 min late for my appt.

On the plus side: Peanut was calmer and quieter than I think he's ever been up there. Once you put him in a stroller he just gets MAD.

As far as the appt goes, the good news is that my cervix is still closed. The 'eh' news is that my fluid is borderline low. So not really low just yet & I'm hoping it doesn't get there. The protein is a little higher than it should be so I get to do another wonderful 24hr urine next week. YAY ME. *sigh*

I'm concerned that once that cerclage (stitch) starts to slip I'm going to dilate very quickly. I can totally feel my body trying to do something but so far the cerclage is holding strong. Thank goodness!

I have no idea how much longer this is all going to last but she did mention hope for at least a couple of more weeks today. While it's not ideal, it'd be SO much better than now!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mac N Cheese Delight

Oh how I love this child. I love them both obviously. They both crack me up. Today was Peanut's turn.

Lunch time can be a little chaotic around here. I like to have Little Man ready to get on the bus about 12:15 so there is no scurrying around at the last minute. He can play in his room and come running down the hall all excited, "The bus is here! The bus is here!" to let me know, lol. Once he's on the bus I can come back in and put Peanut down for his nap with a full belly, leaving me to get things done or more likely these

But lunch time usually consists of me trying to keep Peanut calm until his is ready and me practically begging Little Man to eat something. Today Little Man reluctantly picked a PB & Honey sandwich. He chose triangles instead of squares and wanted there to be 4 of them instead of 2. No Problem. I was going to make grilled cheese for all of us but since Little Man preferred PB&H I made myself & Peanut some mac n cheese.

With lunch I usually find myself providing something for Peanut that he can feed to himself. First of all, he prefers to feed himself. He's not interested in using utensils for anything but chew toys and drumsticks for now so it's often times messy. And I am usually so busy trying to get Little Man to eat that it's distracting.

Today was no exception. He was so proud of himself, shoveling it in one fistful at a time. Too cute not to share. Clean up was awful. I forgot to put his bib on him which meant a total strip down. I pulled the tray off of him and of course his lap was also covered in mac n cheese, lol.

And these two pics, just for fun. It's been a while since I've gotten a picture of them together. Peanut doesn't ever stand still long enough!

Ever since Little Man found this in his closet the other day, I think he wants to be Thomas again for Halloween this year.

Home again, home again, Jiggity Jig

We got home about 9:30 last night from the hospital.

Wouldn't you know that at the 11th hour something else came up that could have kept me there. Although this time it would have been my pleasure to hang around. So why did I even end up going to the hospital?

I've been on the medication Procardia for the contractions. Over the weekend I noticed that my contractions were getting considerably stronger & more frequent long before it was time for my next pill (3x/day). Sunday I spent the whole day in bed, SICK to my stomach. Nauseated and in a ton of pain. Reflux has been a major issue for me this pregnancy, in spite of being on more meds for it than I should, lol. I'm still having oodles of pressure down there and the 'cervix pain' is getting more frequent. Ugh.

By Monday midday, nothing was better so I finally called. Of course I got the typical, "Come on in so we can check you."

Freakin' Guh-Reat!

I was in triage for an hour or more and I'm thinking I'm getting ready to head home when I hear them talk about the protein in my urine and that I have a UTI. No contractions though. Well DUH McFly...I'd had a Procardia less than 3 hours ago...I'd better not be having any!"

Freakin' Guh-Reat!

So now I need to stay for more labwork (to rule out toxemia/eclampsia) do a 24 hour urine for the same reason and to get IV antibiotics to get rid of this UTI once and for all. I swear I frequently get them while pregnant. I had one when I went into labor with Peanut.

At this point I'm feeling like nobody is hearing me. I'm thinkin, "Hey you goobs...all I even wanted was to discuss whether or not the Procardia should be adjusted and can I please get something to make the nausea go away so I can function and is there anything else I can take to keep from choking on stomach acid 3 times a night?" And instead I'm spending the night in the hospital.

At least I knew my doc would come by and see me before going over to the office the next morning and I knew that SHE would listen to me!!! And she did. Unfortunately the pain I described meant now it was time to do an ultrasound of the pancreas, liver & right kidney & some more labwork.

Freakin' Guh-Reat!

Thank Heavens, everything came back normal. She had a GI doc come consult with me and he has now prescribed something else for the reflux. Now that I am super excited about!!!

The nurse I had yesterday was not a great multi-tasker. There was a pretty sick patient in the room next to me on Ante-Partum but she wasn't very good at remember things that I still my freakin' procardia!

Almost an hour after I was supposed to of had it I realized my stomach was a rock. I called her and said, "I'm pretty sure I was supposed to of had my procardia almost an hour ago." To which she said she'd check on that.

Then she comes in the room and I tell her, "Yeah I noticed my stomach is a rock and realized I should have had it already." Her response, "Oh you're on this for pre-term labor?"

Freakin' Guh-Reat!

Okay now I realize that Procardia is a beta blocker. I realize it would be easy to assume I was on it for my blood pressure but considering I'm already on another medication that is exclusively for blood pressure and she had already discussed my history (meaning 2 premature births) that it'd be pretty easy to figure out WHY I was on the procardia.

Then she informed me she'd be right back to hook me up to the monitor because they still need to do that too today. She came back and hour an 15 min later.

She hooked me up and boy I was still contracting like crazy. Then my doc came in a few min later. We discussed the contractions and where to go from here. She agreed that if they spaced out in the next 20-30 min that I'd still be able to go home that night.

Once the nurse finally returned I found out that I got what I consider to be such a great compliment from my doctor. She told the nurses that as long as I was comfortable with going home it was okay. (of course assuming I wasn't contracting every 3 min and still asking to go home, lol) That she fully trusted me and my judgement on the contractions. Her words, "She's not a complainer or a whiner & she hit the nail on the head with the last baby, her instincts have been right on all along & I do believe that if she's concerned about it she's going to say so." That's what the nurse told me anyway.

Man that made me feel good, lol.

I was concerned for a little while though because I was still having frequent (not hard) contractions even 2 hours after I took the Procardia. But eventually they slowed down and all was well. That was my 11th hour scare that would have kept me overnight again!

BUT...then the shift change happened.

Okay you gotta understand that at this point, I'm the only patient on the unit because the other mom was taken to a different floor. Hubby is now up there with both of our children in anticipation of me leaving and Peanut goes to bed around 7 & Little Man about 8. So we're on borrowed time anyway. We KNOW that my 24 hour urine ends at 8pm. About 7:30 the day nurse asks if I need to go one more time and then we'll call it quits because obviously I'm not going to go yet again in 30 minutes. No problem. She tells me once I've done that we can go ahead and get the IV out so that at 8 all I needed to do was sign paperwork to leave.

Enter crabby night nurse.

No, she just cannot handle ANY of that.

She decides that at 8 she will come get urine and then pull the IV. Seems like no big deal, we get everything else ready to go. 7:50 the IV starts beeping because it's done. Day nurse comes in, turns it off and says, "There is no way I'm hooking up another bag now." lol. 8 comes and ol' Crabby calls someone to come take it to the lab. Then says she'll be right back.

8:05, 8:10....I'm getting PISSED. Lady you are not doing ANYTHING else, I already have the ONE prescription I need and all I need to do is sign on ONE dotted line. So I decide it's time to get nasty since I'd only be annoying the nurse and not another patient.

Hubby opens the door and Peanut bolts right out of there down the hall giggling his silly head off all the way as Hubby chases him down to bring him back. We did this over and over again knowing that he was going to be MAD and vocal about it every time we brought him back into the room. I no longer told Little Man to leave his sleepy brother were welcome to make as much noise as they felt like.

I was ranting about how rude it was that she was having us wait for no apparent reason (b/c she never EVER gave us one) when she knew we had two young children that are up past bedtime and we're just wasting time now. She stuck her head in and said, "just a couple more minutes."

WTF? Control happy crazy crabby lady?

Then we encouraged them to make noise, lol. I started pulling all the tape off my IV and contemplated just pulling it out. I mean seriously, who needs a nurse to pull it out?

She FINALLY came in about 8:30 and pulled the last piece of tape and the IV while going over discharge instructions. She said something about, "you may have some bleeding still due to having your cervix checked when you first got here."

I told her, "Nobody touched my cervix and if I have blood you'll see me back here because I've been warned that can mean big bad things since I've got a cerclage!" HAHAHA!

I'm so thankful I didn't have to spend the night with nurse Crabby.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Here I Sit...

In the hospital. Was coaxed in for one thing and held captive for another.

Just being watched for 24 hours and receiving IV antibiotics. Waiting for some more lab results before I have more answers. We do at least know that it's not eclampsia right now. That's always a plus.

More to come, once I have more answers. I'm just ready to go home but that will have to wait until probably 8-9 tonight at the earliest. Joy.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Taking Bets

Okay, I'm taking bets now on how much longer I'll be pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I really hope & pray that it's still several more weeks. I'm only 32 weeks now (Peanut was a 32 weeker) but I can feel my body working against me. I'm on medication for contractions and I can tell when it's time to take the next pill because I can feel the contractions intensify.

I might just be overly nervous this time as I'd really REALLY like to make sure my (sewed up) cervix isn't ripped apart due to a quick dilation. I'm nervous that I'm not going to know when it's really time to be at the hospital. Obviously I see my doc weekly but I'm nervous.

I'm incredibly uncomfortable. Last week I started an antibiotic at the same time as the med for the contractions. One of those 2 meds is making me incredibly sick. I'm taking myself off the antibiotic long enough to figure out which one. Today I did nothing but lay around. I don't know how I'm going to function tomorrow once Hubby is back at work if I'm not feeling a ton better. This is just's truly worse than any morning sickness I've ever had as it's combined with excessive reflux issues. Ugh.

I do love me some Sonic Ice though. Peanut really likes it too. He knows what a sonic cup is and comes running when he sees it, lol.

I'm supposed to be spending this week getting ready for Little Man's birthday party. I'm hopeful at least a couple of his school friends will show up but even if they don't we're all going to have a great time.

All I can say tonight is, "UGH!"

Monday, September 14, 2009

Just a tad chaotic...

Yes, things around here are just a tad chaotic right now.

Little Man is LOVING school. He's doing really well. He's behaving and interacting appropriately with his peers. Believe it or not, he actually sits still for circle time! lol. He does like to throw a bit of a fit when the speech therapist comes to pull him out for speech though. it's either he's afraid I'm there to take him home or he would rather stay with his friends! :) Cute. Although the ST isn't thinking it's quite that cute, hehe. He loves the ST, but loves his friends more.

Let's talk names for a moment. When we were picking out the name for our first born we picked the name Jacob. Long story short, we eventually decided to change it. Just one of the reasons was its popularity. We figured it was so popular that he'd likely end up being Jacob F amongst a sea of Jacob's. He ended up with a name that while, not necessarily common, it's not uncommon either. All that trouble and guess what...there is no Jacob in his class. But there is another Little Man. So now he knows he's Little Man F & the other boy is Little Man M, lol. He can even spell his last name thanks to this.

I bet you're wondering what we're going to name this latest little darling, huh? Too lips are sealed. We've settled on the first name and not 100% decided on the middle name. I can tell you this though, I will still be mom to my Killer B's. :)

I got my first steroid injection for his lungs today and have to go back to get the 2nd one tomorrow. This is just a 'rather be safe than sorry' scenario. I'm praying I get to keep him on the inside for at least several more weeks. However, I've been having some good contractions & plenty of pressure down there for a couple of weeks now. So we'd rather be safe than sorry. I got to see his precious little face on ultrasound again today too. He's been hiding from us for weeks now!